Thursday 3 January 2013

ROMANTIC - Programme Music/Leitmotiv

While there are some examples of PROGRAMME MUSIC earlier in musical history, it was in the ROMANTIC period that it became very common.

Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique is a good example, telling the story of an artist's doomed love for an unattainable woman, ending in her murder and the artist's going to Hell, in the form of a SYMPHONY (albeit in 5 movements rather than the CLASSICAL 4). It is also typically ROMANTIC in its themes of extreme emotion, Nature (the third movement represents a scene in the countryside, including a thunderstorm) and the Supernatural (in Hell, the artist witnesses a witches' sabbath.)

One more typically ROMANTIC concept: Berlioz uses a LEITMOTIV to represent the artist's beloved: in this excerpt, it is heard on the clarinet at 2.15. The excerpt comes from the second movement, which represents a ball, hence the waltz rhythms.

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