Friday 18 January 2013


A rhythmic device which has been used throughout musical history, the HEMIOLA gives the impression that a piece of music in triple time (with three beats in a bar) changes briefly to duple time (two/four beats in a bar), without the time signature actually changing. This can be achieved by placing accents on beats of the bar which are not normally strong ones, through tied notes or simply by grouping notes in a particular way.

It can work the other way round too - when a piece in duple time briefly seems to go into triple time.

The first track on this playlist is in triple time, but at around about 48 seconds in, it sounds as if there are three bars of duple time - this is a HEMIOLA (and it reoccurs several times throughout the piece, as you'll hear if you listen to it all).

The HEMIOLA in track 2 is heard for the first time around about 1'14.

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